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CIASEM 2017 (Interamerican Congress of Microscopy)

Varadero Beach, Cuba

September 25 to 29, 2017

Prof. Gauvin was an Invited Speaker at the Symposium of Instrumentation and Analysis with the talk: Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis and Imaging at High Spatial Resolution in the Field Emission Scanning electron Microscope.

       Paper : R. Gauvin, N. Brodusch, H. Demers (2017), “Electron Microscopy in the FE-SEM, What’s next?”, 

Microscopy and Microanalysis 2017

Saint-Louis, USA

August 6-10


Invited Paper : H. Demers, N. Brodusch, R. Gauvin (2017), “The Performances of the SU-9000 in Imaging and EELS”, Invited Speaker

Presented Papers :

P Hovington, V Timoshevskii, S Bessette, S Burgess, P Statham, R. Gauvin, K. Zaghib (2017), "On the Detection Limits of Li K X-rays Using Windowless Energy Dispersive Spectrometer (EDS)", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 2024-2025. 

 H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2017), "Low Accelerating Voltage Scanning Transmitted Electron Microscope: Imaging, Diffraction, X-ray Microanalysis, and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy at the Nanoscale", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 528-529. 


S. Bessette, P. Hovington, C. Kim, R. Gauvin, H. Demers and K. Zaghib. (2017). Development of Quantitative Techniques with Time-of-Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (TOF-SIMS) for Li Characterization in High Energy Batteries. Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 2088-2089 

H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2017),  "High Spatial Resolution Spectroscopy in a FE-SEM: X-ray Microanalysis and Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 1044-1045.

P. Kikongi, H. Demers, R. Gauvin, R. Gosselin and N. Braidy (2017), "Mapping Data with  Overlapped Spectral Features", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 217-218. 

C. Teng, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R Gauvin (2017), "The f-ratio Quantification Method for X-ray Microanalysis with a Field Emission SEM Applied to Multi-Elements Specimen", Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 1046-1047. 


H. Demers, R. Gauvin, P. Pinard and S. Richter (2017), "Open Source Software for Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis: openMicroanalysis",  Microacopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 234-235

Y. Yuan, H. Demers and R Gauvin (2017), "The Fluorescence Correction of Multilayer Materials for Quantitative X-ray Microanalysis", Microscopy and Microanalysis, 23, S1 pp. 218-219.

N. Brodusch, H. Demers and R. Gauvin (2017), "Quantification of Thin Specimens in a Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope at Low Accelerating Voltage using the f-ratio Method",  Microscopy & Microanalysis, 23, S1, pp. 236-237. 

NN17 Nanotechnology Conference

Thessaloniki, Greece

July 2-7

Invited Paper : R. Gauvin, N. Brodusch, H. Demers (2017), “Electron Microscopy in the FE-SEM, What’s next?”

13th International Conference on Diffusion in Solids and Liquids

Vienna, Austria

June 27 - 29

Presented paper : R. Gauvin, N. Brodusch and H. Demers (2017), "Characterization of Solid State Diffusion with High Resolution Scanning Electron Microscopy", Book of Abstract of DSL2017, p. 39.

EMAS 2017

Konstanz,  Germany,

May 7 - 11

H. Demers, P. T. Pinard, S. Ritcher and R. Gauvin (2017), "Open source Software for Quantitative X-Ray Microanalysis: OPENMICROANALYSIS",  Proceedings of EMAS 2017 and IUMAS-7 Meeting, pp. 351-352. 

R. Gauvin and S. Rudsinsky (2017), "A universal equation for computing beam broadening", Proceedings of EMAS 2017 and IUMAS-5 Meeting, pp. 44 - 45. 

H. Demers, C. M. MacRae, N.C. Wilson, P. Hovington, V. Timoshevskii, R. Gauvin and K. Zaghib (2017), "Determination of soft X-Ray Emission Spectroscopy Parameters using Experimental Data for Quantitative Microanalysis", Proceedings of EMAS 2017 and IUMAS-7 Meeting, pp. 349-350. 

R. Gauvin, N. Brodusch and H. Demers (2017), "Characterisation of Nanomaterials at High Spatial Resolution in the electron Microscope, What is Next?", Proceeding of EMAS 2017 and IUMAS-7 Meeting, pp. 376-377. 

44th Annual Meeting of the Microscopical Society of Canada


Montreal, Canada

May 9 - 11

Maryam Golozar, P. Hovington, M. Lagacé, P. Bouchard, R. Gauvin, H. Demers and K. Zaghib (2017), "In-situ study of Li metal dendrite in battery applications", Proceedings of the SMC 44th Annual Meeting, pp. 37-38. 

P. Hovington, M. Lagacé, V. Timoshevskii, S. Bessette, M. Golozar, H. Demers, R. Gauvin and K. Zaghib (2017), "The need and the challenges of material characterization in the development of batteries", . Proceedings of the 44th MSC Annual Meeting, pp. 39-40. 

C. Teng, H. Demers, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2017), "The f-ratio quantification method for x-ray microanalysis with a field emission SEM applied to multi-elements specimen", Proceedings of the 44th MSC Annual Meeting, pp. 5-6. 

Y. Yuan, H. Demers, and R. Gauvin (2017), "The fluorescence correction of multilayer materials for quantitative x-ray microanalysis", Proceedings of the SMC 44th Annual Meeting, pp. 40-41. 

J. Y. Verde Gómez, I. Zeferino González, N. Brodusch and R. Gauvin (2017), "State of the art study of doped-carbon nanostructures using EELS and nano diffraction in a scanning electron microscope in low voltage transmission mode", Proceedings of the 44th SMC Annual Meeting, pp. 3-4. 

S. Imbriglio, N. Brodusch, R. Gauvin and R.R Chromik (2017), "Investigation of metal/ceramic interfaces created by cold spray". Proceedings of the 44th Annual SMC Meeting, pp. 18-19. 

Q. Stoyel and R. Gauvin (2017), "Evaluation of core-hole approximation for simulations of EELS spectra", Proceedings of the 44th MSC Annual Meeting, pp. 6-7. 

S. Bessette, P. Hovington, C. Kim, R. Gauvin, H. Demers and K. Zaghib (2017) "Optimization of secondary ion mass spectrometry quantification for high concentration compounds", Proceedings of the 44th Annual SMC Meeting, pp. 25 - 26. 

2017 MRS Spring Meeting

Phoenix, USA

April 3-7


F. Voisard, W. Bin, M. L. Trudeau, G. P. Demopoulos and R. Gauvin (2017), "Transmission Electron Microscopy Beam Induced Damage on Lithium Iron Silicates", Proceedings of the Spring 2018 MRS Meeting. 

14th Biennial Australian Microbeam Analysis Symposium

Brisbane, Australia

February 6-10

Invited Paper : R. Gauvin, N. Brodusch, H. Demers (2017), “Electron Microscopy with High Spatial Resolution in the FE-SEM, What’s next?”

Presented Paper : R. Gauvin, N. Brodusch, H. Demers, F. Voizard, G. P. Demopoulos, M. L. Trudeau and K. Zaghib (2017), "Lithium Detection in the Electron Microscope", Proceedings of the AMAS 2017 Conference, p 56. 

Workshop : Invited Speaker in the short course “Monte Carlo simulations in electron microscopy”

© 2014 by the McGill Electron Microscopy Research Group | Raynald Gauvin.

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